Entries by admin

The Season Begins

The 2018 LPC Loon Cam is now live! Same lake as the successful pair last year. The loons are already interested in the nest site and this video shows them inspecting […]

Crushed Egg

Early yesterday morning, one egg was crushed while the female was on the nest. A while later, the male removed the broken egg from the nest. Crushed eggs during incubation is not that uncommon. […]


At this point, the hatch is a full week overdue. The loons are beginning to lose interest in incubating the eggs and the nest is occasionally being left unattended for […]

Evening Loon Concert

Here is a snippet of last night’s evening loon concert. The female is on the nest  and she is listening to tremolos and yodels coming from a distance. The yodels are […]

Unattended Eggs

The pair has settled into a two shift schedule. Dad takes the day shift and mom takes the night shift. Last night, after a busy fourth of July with a […]

Double Duty

Viewers familiar with the first nesting pair we watched this year may recall the quick nest exchanges they had. Often, the incubating loon would jump off the nest as soon […]

A Sudden Flush

This video shows a very sudden flush by the loon sitting on the nest. Normally, we would see a head down/neck extended posture or some other indication of alertness before a […]

Safe and Sound

Viewers who followed the first nesting pair have likely noticed that this pair experiences fewer intrusions and less time off the nest. Much of this has to do with the […]