The Loon Preservation Committee is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Donations made to LPC are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donating to the Loon Preservation Committee helps to support all aspects of our work on behalf of New Hampshire’s loons, including:
- Floating nest rafts to improve loon nesting success at territories vulnerable to water level fluctuations, shoreline development, and predation
- Floating signs and rope lines to protect nesting loons that are vulnerable to human disturbance
- Rescuing loons in distress
- Monitoring New Hampshire’s loons to assess population trends
- Collecting and necropsying dead loons to better understand causes of loon mortality
- Operating a Lead Tackle Buyback program to reduce rates of loon mortality from lead tackle ingestion
- Conducting research on topics relating to loon health, mortality and nest failures
- Operating the LoonCam, broadcasting live streams of nesting loons on YouTube
What We Do
About LPC