Mom’s Ex

June 26, 2023

If you are a regular follower of LPC’s loon cams, you probably know that the male on Cam 2 is a fairly recent addition to the territory. In 2021 this territory was in a state of chaos and upheaval. Multiple intruders wreaked enough havoc to prevent any nesting attempt, similar to what is happening on Cam 1 this year.

In 2022, an unbanded male emerged as the new resident Dad. As far as we can tell, he is back again this year. Things have been going so smoothly that it’s highly likely that the pair has previously been together.

But what about Mom’s ex? How’s he doing? Well, he’s doing. Recently he was seen on the outer edge of this territory and over the past year and a half he’s been seen all over the bay in which this territory is located. He’s been a “local” loon since at least 2006, when he was banded as the resident loon on a territory next door to this territory. This is fairly typical. A general rule of thumb is that an adult loon will rarely move more than ten miles from where it first establishes residence.

Mom’s ex is still unpaired and living the vagabond life. We can calculate that he is at least 20 years old and maybe closer to 30. It’s probably getting tough for him to contend with the six to ten year-olds in the prime of their lives. But he still has a chance. It’s well documented that thirty year-olds can still be productive.