Courtesy of Brian Reilly
Loon Census Form
The 2024 loon census was held on Saturday, July 20th from 8–9 AM. Thank you to all who participated!
Loon Census Instructions
- Only count the number of individual loons you see simultaneously. For instance, if you see three adult loons together, your count would be three. If you see a single adult loon on three separate occasions during the census, your count would be one unless you are sure they are different individuals. In the ‘Loon Observations’ box, be sure to note the direction in which the loons move or fly.
- If possible, please attach a sketch/map of census area and the location of any loons you observe.
- Please comment on loon activity observed at other times during the summer using the box towards the bottom of the form.
- It is CRITICAL that observations continue for the ENTIRE HOUR.
- Remember, a report of zero is just as biologically important as a report of 10 loons.
- Please submit your census observations by July 25 in order to have them count towards the final tally.